Thursday, March 2, 2017

Trump Has ‘Total’ Confidence in Sessions, Here We Go Again There Playing Alberto R. Gonzales Card

Image result for bush alberto r. gonzales attorney general

Alberto R. Gonzales (born August 4, 1955) was the 80th United States Attorney General, appointed in February 2005 by President George W. Bush, becoming the highest-ranking Hispanic American in executive government to date.[1] He was the first Hispanic to serve as White House Counsel, and earlier he had been Bush's General Counsel during his governorship of Texas. Gonzales had also served as Secretary of State of Texas and then as a Texas Supreme Court Justice.

Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, one of President Bush's closest confidants and a key architect of his controversial counterterrorism policies, announced yesterday that he is quitting after seven months of bitter confrontation with Congress over his honesty and his competence to run the Justice Department.

Donald Trump said Thursday that he has “total” confidence in Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and he doesn’t think he should recuse himself.

During a tour of the USS Gerald Ford in Newport News, Va., Trump told reporters he “wasn’t aware at all” that Sessions spoke to the Russian ambassador, but he thinks Sessions “probably” testified truthfully to the Senate during his confirmation hearing, according to White House pool reports.

As reported, the Washington Post reported that Sessions – then a U.S. senator who was serving as an adviser to the Trump campaign – spoke twice last year with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. At his confirmation hearing, however, Sessions said he “did not have communications with Russia.”

Democrats are calling for Sessions’ resignation.

Sessions told reporters Thursday morning, “Well, I have not met with any Russians at any time to discuss any political campaign." He also said he would recuse himself “whenever it’s appropriate” from an investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential election.

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